EMS150R 镀膜仪
产品名称: EMS150R 镀膜仪
产品编号: 150R
产品价格: 0
产品产地: 英国
品牌商标: EMS
更新时间: null
使用范围: null
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EMS150R 镀膜仪
新一代镀膜仪-EMS150R 型镀膜仪(真空镀膜仪/喷碳仪/蒸镀仪)采用最新技术研制而成,彩色触摸液晶屏,快速的参数输入,数种碳丝匹配,友好的用户界面,带给你不一般的操作感受!
l EMS150R S-喷金仪/离子溅射仪(适用于真空喷镀非氧化型金属,如金,铂,钯等)
l EMS150R E-喷碳仪/碳蒸镀仪(适用于真空喷镀碳膜,特别适用于SEM,用碳丝或碳绳)
l EMS150R ES-真空镀膜仪(离子溅射仪和碳蒸镀仪的结合体)
EMS150R ES这个双重用途、结构紧凑、机械泵抽真空的镀膜系统可提供无与伦比的多用途镀膜,其标配有溅射插入头和碳丝蒸发插入头。快速、易更换的镀膜插入头,能在同一个紧凑设计中实现金属溅射、碳蒸镀和辉光放电三者之间的快速转换。注意,辉光放电选项限EMS150R S和EMS150R ES可用,它可实现样品表面改性(如疏水表面改为亲水表面)。
l 金:常规SEM应用时使用最普遍的靶材;溅射速度快且导电效果最好。
l 银 :高导电性且具有高的二次电子发射率。溅射上去的银易于去除,可使样品成像后还原到其原来状态。
l 铂 :在机械泵抽真空的溅射镀膜系统中它的颗粒尺寸最小,且具有优良的二次电子发射能力。
l 钯:用于x射线能谱分析非常理想,因其谱线分布冲突相对较低。
l 金/钯合金(80:20%):通过限制沉积期间金颗粒的团聚,钯可提高最终分辨率。
l 碳丝蒸镀:碳丝蒸镀过程的闪蒸特性及快速更换碳丝的能力,使其处理样品速度非常快。
l 碳棒蒸发:用于需要减慢速度但可控性更好的蒸发过程,可制备更趋向无定形的碳膜。
EMS150R S:
货号 |
产品名称 |
规格 |
4500 |
EMS150R S Rotary pumped sputter coater, includes an 57mm Ø x 0.1mm gold target |
1 |
4501 |
Quick-release sputter insert for EMS150R S and EMS150R ES – suitable for non-oxidising (noble) metals. Supplied with A 57mm Ø x 0.1mm thick gold target as standard. For additional noble metal targets (eg Platinum, Gold / Palladium, Silver) see Sputtering Targets section |
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4502 |
Rotation stage, 50mm Ø with adjustable height for target to sample distances of 38mm-79mm (supplied with 2 mounting pillars). Note: this stage does not tilt – for tilting stage see Specimen Stages section |
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EMS150R E:
货号 |
产品名称 |
规格 |
4503 |
EMS150R E Rotary pumped carbon fibre evaporator, supplied with carbon fibre / cord |
1 |
4504 |
Quick-release carbon fibre evaporation insert for EMS150R E and EMS150R ES – suitable for evaporation of carbon fibre and carbon cord |
1 |
4506 |
Rotation stage, 50mm Ø with adjustable height for target to sample distances of 38mm-79mm (supplied with 2 mounting pillars). Note: this stage does not tilt – for tilting stage see Specimen Stages section |
1 |
货号 |
产品名称 |
规格 |
4507 |
EMS150R ES Rotary pumped sputter coater, includes an 57mm Ø x 0.1mm gold target, and carbon fibre evaporator, supplied with carbon fibre / cord |
Each |
4508 |
Quick-release sputter insert for EMS150R S and EMS150R ES – suitable for non-oxidising (noble) metals. Supplied 57mm Ø x 0.1mm thick gold target as standard. For additional noble metal targets (eg Platinum, Gold / Palladium, Silver) see Sputtering Targets section |
Each |
4509 |
Quick-release carbon fibre evaporation insert for EMS150R E and EMS150R ES – suitable for evaporation of carbon fibre and carbon cord |
Each |
4510 |
Rotation stage, 50mm Ø with adjustable height for target to sample distances of 38mm-79mm (supplied with 2 mounting pillars). Note: this stage does not tilt – for tilting stage see Specimen Stages section |
Each |
货号 |
产品名称 |
规格 |
4511 |
Additional sputter insert for quick metal change (R S and R ES only). Note: this is an entire sputtering assembly; individual noble metal targets can also be purchased |
Each |
4512 |
Carbon rod evaporation insert for 3.05mm Ø rods (R E and R ES only). Includes manual rod shaper and 3.05mm Ø carbon rod |
Each |
4513 |
Glow discharge insert to modify surface properties (eg hydrophobic to hydrophilic conversion) or to clean surface residues (R S and R ES only). Can be retrofitted |
Each |
4515 |
Extended height vacuum chamber (214mm high – the standard chamber is 127mm high). For increased source to sample distance and for coating large specimens |
Each |
4516 |
Rotating vacuum spigot allows more convenient connection of the vacuum hose to the rear of the ems150R when bench depth is limited |
Each |
4517 |
Film thickness monitor (FTM) attachment. Consists of a built in chamber mounted quartz crystal oscillator (includes crystal). As sputtered or evaporated material is deposited onto the crystal, so its frequency of oscillation is modified. This „modification‟ is used to measure and control the thickness of material deposited |
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4518 |
Spare quartz crystal |
Each |
备选样品台Specimen stages
货号 |
产品名称 |
规格 |
4519 |
50mm Ø rotate-tilt specimen stage with adjustable tilt (up to 90 degrees) and height (37mm-60mm). Has six stub positions for 15mm or 6.5mm or 1/8" pin stubs. Stage rotation speed variable between 8 and 20rpm |
Each |
4520 |
90mm Ø rotating specimen stage for glass microscope slides (up to two x 75mm x 25mm slides). Stage rotation speed variable between 8 and 20rpm |
Each |
4521 |
Variable angle “Rotacota” rotary planetary stage with 50mm Ø specimen platform. Has six stub positions for 15mm or 6.5mm or 1/8" pin stubs. Stage rotation speed variable between 8 and 20rpm |
Each |
4522 |
Flat rotation specimen stage for 100mm / 4” wafers, includes gearbox for increased coverage. Stage rotation speed variable between 8 and 20rpm |
Each |
货号 |
产品名称 |
规格 |
4538 |
Carbon fibre cord - high purity - 1m |
4539 |
Carbon fibre cord - high purity - 5m |
4540 |
Carbon fibre cord - standard grade - 1m |
4541 |
Carbon fibre cord - standard grade - 10m |
4542 |
Carbon fibre cord - standard grade - 100m |
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